Software Architecture

This section describes the logical architecture of OS2iot.


The solution is divided into a number of logical, loosely coupled components. This ensures that the solution is extensible with regard to both supported IoT devices and data targets, and it makes replacing and maintaining each component simpler. Figure 1 shows an overview of the different solution components. Orange components are 3rd party solution dependencies that are not developed or maintained in this project, but are necessary for OS2iot to function.


Figure 1 - Solution overview


Figure 2 - Layered architecture


OS2iot uses the following log types:

  • System log: Contains log messages related to the solution such as information or errors from internal processes or internal/external integrations, views etc. This is stored in the database table “SystemLog”.

  • Audit Log: When a data entity is changed (e.g. an IoT device is created or updated) OS2iot logs which user made the change and when it was made. This is stored in the database table “ChangeLog”.

In addition, the 3rd party components used (Chirpstack, MQTT brokers etc.) contain their own logs according to their documentation. Refer to section for a specific list of 3rd party components.



Process perspective

Receive IoT device data

See the separate page: IoT Data management.

Implementation perspective

OS2iot is implemented using Node.js for the backend and Angular for the frontend.

3rd party components

OS2iot uses the following 3rd party components as dependencies:







LoRaWAN device and Gateway Integration

MIT License



MQTT broker for LoRaWAN and data target integrations and the internal MQTT broker for MQTT devices.

EPL/EDL License


Apache Kafka

Internal message broker used in the OS2iot backed for device data integrations

Apache License 2.0



Persistent data storage

PostgreSQL License



In-memory data store

BSD License



Virtualization software

Apache License 2.0



Technology stack

In the backend the following technologies are used:






Server-side Javascript runtime

MIT License


Typesafety and other improvements upon Javascript (compiles to Javascript)

Apache License 2.0


Testing framework

MIT License


Object Relatrional Mapper to our database (persistence)

MIT License


Web framework

MIT License

Solution architecture

A classical three-layer model consisting of the following three layers is used in the backend:

  • Controller layer

    • Exposes the API endpoints:

      • To be used by the front-end

      • To be used by device integrations

      • To be used by data targets

  • Service layer

    • Holds business logic

  • Data access layer

    • Controls all access to the database

Each layer is only capable of accessing the adjacent layers, so the controller cannot access the data access layer and vice versa.


Technology stack






Web framework

MIT License

Deployment perspective

The solution is deployed as a number of Docker containers.

  • OS2iot Frontend

  • OS2iot Backend

  • Chirpstack

  • LoRaWAN MQTT Broker

  • Postgres

  • Apache Kafka

  • Secure Mosquitto broker

Docker Compose is used to ease deployment of the solution. For scalability and increased robustness, the solution can be deployed to kubernetes cluser.

Of these container only the OS2iot frontend and OS2iot backend containers are made in the OS2iot project, the remaining is made by 3rd parties and used as part of the solution.

Data perspective

OS2iot contains the following types of data:

  • Device payloads (only the latest payload from a device is stored)

  • Metadata about device payloads (timestamps etc of the latest N transmissions or all within a small timeframe)

  • System parameters and configuration

  • User data (usernames, passwords and permissions)

  • Audit logs

  • System logs

  • Application data (applications, devices, alarms, gateways, device metadata etc.)

This data is by default stored by the backend in PostgreSQL. The logs are stored in the filesystem, with the future possibility of ingesting it into an ELK stack or similar.

Data temporality

Data in OS2iot is non-temporal. Each entity has “createdAt” and “updatedAt” attributes which contains the date and time an object was created and last modified, respectively. If an object has been created but not modified, “createdAt” and “updatedAt” contain the same values.

Each entity also has “createdBy” and “modifiedBy” attributes, which contain the userID of the user that created the object and the last user to modify an object. If an object has been created but not modified, “createdBy” and “modifiedBy” contain the same values.

Security perspective

This figure shows the classes which make up the permission model for OS2IoT. A user is part of zero or more permissions (user groups). Each permission has one or more permission types which determine what’s accessible within the organization. The concrete types are as follows:

  1. GlobalAdmin

    1. Each domain instance of OS2IoT has at least 1 user with this type, which is created on the first startup of the backend.

    2. Users with the GlobalAdmin role can assign other users to also have the GlobalAdmin role

  2. OrganizationApplicationAdmin

    1. This relates to a single organization

    2. This relates to a list of users within that organization. Access is granted to parts of the system requiring this type

  3. OrganizationGatewayAdmin

    1. This relates to a single organization

    2. This relates to a list of users within that organization. Access is granted to parts of the system requiring this type

  4. OrganizationUserAdmin

    1. This relates to a single organization

    2. This relates to a list of users within that organization. Access is granted to parts of the system requiring this type

  5. Read

    1. This relates to a single organization

    2. This relates to a list of applications within that organization


User login and permissions

In OS2iot, user authentication is done by either en external system or by OS2iot. Authorization is handled in OS2iot by assigning users to either organizations or applications with a given permission level.

This does not comply with “Den fælleskommunale rammearkitektur”, which states that authorization should happen in KOMBIT Adgangstyring if possible. The reasons for authorization being done in OS2iot instead of KOMBIT Adgangstyring are:

  • To make user management in OS2iot uniform regardless of where the user logs in from.

  • To support separate permissions to organizations and applications, along with dynamically created applications.


User authentication is handled in one of two systems:

  • KOMBIT Adgangsstyring

  • OS2iot


By default, a user does not have access to data in OS2iot. A global admin or User admin must manually give the user permissions to organizations or applications.

User permissions

User role

System name


Global admin


Super user, CRUD everything within the domain

Application admin


Access and modify applications, DeviceModels and IoT devices within an organization

Gateway admin


CRUD gateways within an organization

User admin


CRUD users and permissions within an organization

Read access


Read all data within an application.

Web application security

This section describes the security measures taken to ensure conficentiality and integrity of the part of OS2iot that is the web application. This includes both the frontend and backend of the solution, but not IoT device integrations or data target integrations.

OS2iot REST API security

In order to use the REST API exposed by OS2iot, the user must be authenticated.

There are two methods of authentication. The first method is done by using the JWT gained from the /api/v1/auth/login endpoint. The JWT is inserted as a Bearer token in the Authorization header of the type Bearer as described in RFC 6750, section 2.1.

The second method of authentication involves using an API key generated on the /api/v1/api-key endpoint. An API key is tied to one or more user groups so the access level reflects what each user group is permitted. It can be created by users with an organization administrator role or higher.

The API key is inserted as text in the X-API-KEY header. Note that if a valid JWT token is provided, then API key authentication is skipped.

Device security

Generic IoT devices

Generic IoT devices must provide a unique API key with every request to OS2iot. This provides both security and identification of the device sending data. Since the connection uses TLS, the API key is encrypted in the transmission.


Data from LoRaWAN devices are end-to-end encrypted and protected against replay attacks ( There is a theoretical possibility of packet forging and DoS attacks (,

Once device data is received by Chirpstack it is sent to OS2iot using an internal MQTT broker and TLS.


Data from NB-IoT devices is received in the same manner as from generic IoT devices as described earlier and so uses the same security mechanisms. It is required that the device itself can be configured to send to a configured HTTP endpoint, and supports HTTPS.


The MQTT internal Broker devices is communicating with the internal MQTT broker with encrypted TLS. The broker is futhermore implemented with the go-auth plugin (

The go-auth plugin is used so that devices trying to communicating with the internal MQTT broker has to be verified in the database by sending their username and password or by sending a device certificate that only can be verified if it’s signed by the CA certificate. If the internal MQTT broker can’t verify the device trying to connect then the internal MQTT broker will close the connection for the device.

The internal MQTT broker is also checking if the device trying to publish or subscribe to the broker has access to the specific topic that the device is trying to publish or subscribe to.

The MQTT external broker devices can support both username/password and cert authentication if a broker requires it.


Data from Sigfox devices are sent to OS2iot using callbacks from the Sigfox core network. These are encrypted using TLS.

According to an article from DTU published in Proceedings of 3rd Global IoT Summit (,, Sigfox should not be used for critical applications due to poor protection from replay attacks.

Data target security

It is the responsibility of the users of OS2iot and administrators of the data targets to ensure data is encrypted during transmission using e.g. TLS. This section describes the available authentication options in OS2iot.


OS2iot supports using a HTTP “Authorization” header or HTTP basic authentication


OS2iot supports using a HTTP “Authorization” header or HTTP basic authentication