Programming Guidelines


This document describes the programming guidelines and procedures for the solution.

The guidelines and procedures will ensure a uniform code base, which is easy to understand and maintain and thus is easy to transition to another vendor should the customer wish to do so. Both the specific standards for writing code and the more general procedures that apply to the development process, are described in this document.

Code standards

Naming conventions

The codebase should follow the same naming conventions as the TypeScript project itself:

Form and style

  • Each logical component is in its own file.

  • Indentation is 4 spaces

  • Lines should be broken if they exceed 160 characters

  • Only have one declaration pr. Line

Structure of Source folder

The project is separated into three git repositories to separate concerns between the front-end, the back-end, and the container orchestration using docker.


Angular 9 is used for the frontend. The file structure described in the Angular documentation will be used. This can be seen here:

  • The app folder contains projects’ logic and data

  • A shared folder will contain shared components

  • Pages are divided into separate folders (modules)

  • Page elements are divided into components either placed in the module/folder of the page or in the shared folder

  • Services are placed at the logical level where they are used. Shared services are located higher up in the tree structure


The structure is similar to the one described here:

Some of the important parts are:

  • Separate business logic from the controllers

  • Separate test code from production code


In the root directory is the docker-compose file. In the configuration folder, there is another folder for each part of the project, in which their respective configuration options.

This organization is modelled after the setup ChirpStack 1 uses.

Patterns and heuristics

  • Avoid using the “any” type, if at possible

  • Use functional constructions such as map and filter over imperative loops.

  • Functions should only be at one level of abstractions (split up to ease testing)

  • Avoid side-effects (make functions pure, such that they are easier to test)

  • Keep functions short and to the point, have them do one thing.

  • Try to avoid comments. They tend to get outdated and will end up causing more confusion the good. Consider rewriting the code and use the variables and functions to express the same sentiment.

  • Do not commit dead code, and do not commit commented out code.

Code analysis

ESLint is used to lint the code an ensure that the developers follow best practices.

SIG is used to weekly evaluate code-quality:

Front-end – Programming standards

The frontend code is written in TypeScript 2 (Angular 9). In the project ESLint 3 is setup to lint the code for preventable and/or syntax related errors. To keep code formatting consistent Prettier 4 is used to format the code. We try to follow the do’s and don’ts of TypeScript ( For more examples of keeping the code clean see:

Testing will primarily be done manually in the frontend.

Back-end – Programming standards

The backend code is written in TypeScript. In the project ESLint will be setup to lint the code for common, machine fixable mistakes. To keep code formatting consistent Prettier 4 is used to format the code. We try to follow the do’s and don’ts of TypeScript ( For more examples of keeping the code clean see:

To connect to the database TypeORM 5 is used, and the “Data Mapper” pattern for all our queries. The datebase schema is determined code-first, and use TypeORM database migrations to change it.

For testing Jest is used. The primary method of testing is integration tests, which make sure that the API is acting accordingly.

To minimize differences between how the code runs on each pc, docker is used for each part, and docker-compose to combine the containers.



